Monday, November 25, 2013

26 Weeks

(selfie this week!)
This week Jason & I both felt icky.  We had cold/flu like symptoms and feeling much better now.  No Iowa game for me this week but Jason braved the cold!  Jason & I decided this year instead of buying gifts for each other we adopted a family with 3 little girls to buy for & help make their Christmas special.  We have been so blessed and fortunate that wanted to help a family that needed a little extra hope during this holiday season.  I went shopping Saturday and it was probably the most joyful shopping experience.  We also got the crib ordered on Target that went on sale and I was SO excited!  My momma & daddy wanted to buy the crib their grand baby will be sleeping in.  How sweet :)
How far along? 26 weeks

How big is baby?  Size of head of lettuce

Total weight gain/loss:   +15.5  
Maternity clothes?  Yes

Sleep:  Getting used to the side sleeping but starting to get those leg cramps and restless legs if I don't drink a full bottle of water right before bed.

Best moment this week:   Shopping for our Christmas family
Movement: Yep, very active 

Food cravings:  Cereals, milk shakes, milk

Food Aversions: Still pickles

Gender:  ?? and not finding out ??

Labor Signs:  nope.  

Pregnancy Symptoms:  restless legs, leg cramps 

Belly Button in or out?  still in but stretching

What I miss: Not much :)

What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving!!

Upcoming appointments/events:   December 18th and then every 2 weeks :)

Stretch Marks: Nope

Sunday, November 17, 2013

25 Weeks

Had my 25 week appointment and was a little quesy but fluids helped a lot on Wednesday.  Everything is good baby is estimated to be about 2 pounds, and my belly is measuring on track.  We set an induction date for March.11th OH please OH please come before then.  I would be 42+weeks... Yikes!  I still think I will go a few days early.  Friday went back to Dubuque and celebrated Graham's 2nd birthday!!!  We had soo much fun :) I also added a new question each week of how many miles walked/ran.  Goal is 15-20 miles per week all the way to due date.  Also I am doing the push-up challenge from Pinterest found below. I am getting interested to see what everyone thinks the baby is, please comment below!

How far along? 25 weeks

How big is baby?  Size of an squash

Total weight gain/loss:   -1 this week +15 total 
Maternity clothes?  Yes

Sleep:  Well, not so amazing but still okay.  

Best moment this week:   Graham Turns 2!  PARTY!!!!
Movement: ALL the time & love it!  For the first time I woke up in the middle of night thinking jason was poking me.  Nope it was the baby :)  

Food cravings:  Hot teas, Apricots (weird one for me) oh and those darn little debbie cream pies that I used to hate. (Jason had the craving)

Food Aversions: Pickles are DISGUSTING! Don't get them near me

Gender:  ?? and not finding out ??

Labor Signs:  nope.  I do have have some painless braxton hicks that I can feel stomach tighten but nothing else.

Pregnancy Symptoms:  Much better this week not as emotional.  

Belly Button in or out?  in

What I miss: This week was being able to ride my tri bike.  Went to the garage and is just waiting to be used.  But then I thought of it being put away for the winter & when April arrives I can ride again!! yay!!!

What I am looking forward to: Holiday shopping!

Upcoming appointments/events:   December 18th and then every 2 weeks :)

Stretch Marks: Happy to report a NO still. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

24 Weeks

This has been a challenging week mentally for me.  I am just feeling super huge and the scale has shown it!  I am keeping active but it doesn't seem to matter.  The scale has held steady for the past 3 days but earlier in the week I had a big jump.  Baby is getting stronger and feel the little ones kicks all the time which make me smile :)  I know I probably obsess over my weight gain but seriously thought I would gain maybe 20 pounds..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Spent the weekend trying to enjoy the nice weather, and went for several long walks which was nice.  We had a pretty low key weekend which was nice, sure is going to get busy the next few weeks. 

How far along? 24 weeks

How big is baby?  Length of ear of corn

Total weight gain/loss:  +16
Maternity clothes?  Yes

Sleep:  Pretty good, I toss and turn a lot.

Best moment this week:   Being in the office

Movement: Big mover
Food cravings:  Cereal still & M&M's

Food Aversions: none this week

Gender:  ?? and not finding out ??

Labor Signs:  nope

Pregnancy Symptoms:  Feeling fat & huge

Belly Button in or out?  in

What I miss:  being at my normal weight

What I am looking forward to: Doctors Apt. on Wed.

Upcoming appointments/events:   November 13th

Stretch Marks: Nope

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

23 Weeks!

Getting past this week is a big milestone for us, we have hit a high level of viability!  Knowing that baby is well gives me great comfort!  A pregnancy can sure be stressful, an uneasy when experience a late loss to a perfectly healthy baby but it also has given me such joy and an appreciation of life.  I am loving every single day of pregnancy, but that I didn't last time but it has given me such a different outlook and how blessed we truly are.  I am the happiest I have ever been and dream of the day we will meet this little baby boy or girl! The weekday was pretty low key, Saturday my Sister, Brian, and baby Graham came to visit for the Iowa game against Wisconsin and Sunday went back to Dubuque to cousin Lauren's son Henry's baptism!  I haven't been home since September so it was great to see family!  I may or may not get a little homesick :)

How far along? 23 weeks

How big is baby?   Size of a grapefruit

Total weight gain/loss:  +13.5
Maternity clothes?  Yep, but still wearing a few pairs of pre-pregnancy jeans, and jackets but maternity clothes are SOO much more comfortable.

Sleep:  Pretty good, I toss and turn a lot.

Best moment this week:   Family time 

Movement: yes

Food cravings:  Cereal & The cinnamon rolls from Henry's baptism I ate A LOT!

Food Aversions: none this week

Gender:  ?? and not finding out ??

Labor Signs:  nope

Pregnancy Symptoms:  much better this week, I had a huge bump growth spurt

Belly Button in or out?  in

What I miss:  not much

What I am looking forward to: Being in Dubuque for a few days

Upcoming appointments/events:   November 13th

Stretch Marks: No debut yet.