Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Expecting another Baby Krivachek- August 2016!

We are thrilled that we will be adding another baby to our family August 2016 with and estimated due date of August 8th, 2016.  I found out very early again on Thanksgiving night, talk about something to be thankful for!  I contemplated whether to pick up the blog again for number two but I selfishly love looking back on the pregnancy with Blake.  You will be surprised on how much you actually forget after those 9 months.  Looking back some things make me laugh, and I can't believe I gained 45 pounds!!  Holy COW!  Well one thing I learned is who cares about the weight because it does eventually come off with a little hard work and now I am below pre-pregnancy weight, so really it all doesn't matter in the long run. We plan on telling our family over Christmas with some custom wine bottle labels found on Etsy.  We have our first dating ultrasound Dec. 21st and I pray everything is well and we see the little heartbeat.  It sure is crazy looking at Blake's 7 week ultrasound and seeing just a little "bean" and then looking at him now, the human body is simply amazing!  I look forward to this beautiful journey again as this will probably complete our family.  Thanks for joining us on this adventure as we prepare, and celebrate baby Krivachek number two!!

**** The pictures are when I told Jason.  in the bag was a bottle brush that said "return to duty August 2016."  He was said when he no longer had to clean bottles so I thought it was a cute idea.  He was VERY SHOCKED!  We both kind of were :)
